Tag Archives: shower

The Nature of Music

Precious time in the shower. Alone, private, and a great place to sing or listen to music. Sometimes music or a song springs to mind, playing over and over, perhaps just that snippet when you almost remember all the words. Your mind creates its own loop, so that the song fragment cannot escape your attention. You may find yourself singing the fragment, giving it that external voice.

The question: How many times does that musical moment spring from your adolescent days, some meaningless pop tune lyrics that you would never be caught singing at work or with your friends. Pieces of songs where your words are likely wrong, but remembered with burning clarity. But heck! You are enjoying the moment, you’re in the shower!

Now the alternate question: How many times is that musical moment a piano concerto, a symphony movement, an aria phase? If you answered, “Of course, I love Die Fledermaus!” then you are of a mind that reinforced a different genre over the inane. Thou art lucky. But are those flaky tunes from your childhood still buried underneath the more civilized tones, just waiting for a moment of escape? I am thinking you would be the middle-aged person head banging to music thrumming from someone else’s car. Yes, I saw that.